Case Studies
CASE STUDY 1: New international student recruitment system and processes that made a difference
How to design and deploy an effective streamlined integrated international student recruitment, sponsorship and campaign management solution that facilitates dynamic internal resource allocation for successful recruitment campaigns.
CASE STUDY 2: Student management system capability and process diagnostic
How can a Victorian University develop a structured program of work to address the growing list of issues being caused by a lack of capability with its student management system?
CASE STUDY 3: Annual Course Monitoring System (ACM) detailed requirement and functional specification.
To analyse detailed requirements for an in house developed Annual Course Monitoring System (ACM) allowing Course Coordinators to record course improvement activities and then submit results to the La Trobe University Heads of Schools for feedback and final approval.
CASE STUDY 4: Review of Victoria University polytechnic student management system capabilities and supporting process
Provide strategic advice and direction to support Vocational and Further Education Operations through a review of existing Student Management System capabilities and supporting processes.
CASE STUDY 5: Learning and teaching portfolio​
Uplifted Victoria University’s capabilities to provide enhanced student’s learning experience and at the same time streamlining staff’s administration processes in delivering teaching content.
CASE STUDY 6: Business case for Digital Student Data (DSD)​
Developed a business case for a digital platform for production, management and verification of Testamurs, transcripts and AHEGS issued by 46 Australian institutions and other participating institutions worldwide.
CASE STUDY 7: Contact centre design and deployment for international admissions
Provided analysis and project delivery of contact centre system and associated processes to improve resource management, calls resolutions and performance analysis.
CASE STUDY 8: Office 365 roll-out, data migration, email security upgrade and archive and back-up overhaul
Delivered on time and on budget – project and change management on systems and infrastructure for Office 365 migration.
CASE STUDY 9: Delivering value based large IT programs - on time and on budget
Streamlining the portfolio demand process to achieve value-based prioritisation and delivery in a complex IT environment, involving a multitude of systems, processes and people, to avoid the pitfalls of cost overrun and undelivered benefits.
CASE STUDY 10: Digital adoption drives business process optimisation
How businesses can better leverage digital solutions to reduce risk and optimise their operations.